Crystal Extends Relaxed Booking Policies
Crystal is extending its temporarily relaxed booking policies to all 2021 voyages across its luxury fleet including Crystal Cruises, Crystal River Cruises, Crystal Yacht Cruises and Crystal Expedition Cruises.
For 2021 sailings, the adjusted Crystal Confidence 3.0 policies relax the final payment deadline to 60 days prior to first date of service, while guests who pay in full 90 days prior to first date of service will save an additional 2.5% off their cruise fare. The early final payment savings deadline is normally six months.
Furthermore, guests sailing in 2021 may cancel their booking with no penalty up to 60 days prior to their first date of service.
These policies were previously implemented for voyages through June 2021 only; the new extension through the end of 2021 accommodates travellers who are eager to plan future voyages but are still cautious in committing resources to such journeys.
For all Crystal voyages in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, Crystal will continue to offer reduced deposits of 15% (normally 25%) and waived administrative fees for all new bookings through the company’s Easy Book program.
In addition, Crystal’s No-Money-Down deposit window has been extended through Feb. 22, 2021 for all new and existing bookings for 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Crystal Ocean, River, Yacht and Expedition voyages.
The No-Money-Down deposit window has been extended for this transitionary time as Crystal looks ahead to returning to service in late spring 2021 following its voluntarily suspension of voyages through April.
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