Travel Courier
Issue Date: May 07, 2020

Crafting the perfect cover letter

When the travel industry comes back to full force, it’s going to be looking for people like you to fill jobs left empty by the pandemic. Which makes now the perfect time to craft your cover letter. Because regardless of how impressive your resume may be, a strong cover letter can be the difference between landing that all-important job interview and having your resume tossed into the rejection pile.

Follow these guidelines, along with general considerations of style, spelling and grammar, and your cover letter is bound to make a good impression…

Customize it. A generalized letter won’t get you noticed. Always tailor your cover letter for the specific position you’re applying for. Make sure to reiterate key words found in the job posting so that whoever is reading it knows you have the right skills for the job.

Keep it brief. Cover letters should always be kept to a single page. A prospective employer is more likely to read your cover letter quickly or even skim over it rather than examine each sentence, so say what needs to be said in as few words as possible. Keep it crisp, clear and concise.

Show your personality. Yes, your cover letter is a chance to highlight your specific skills, credentials, and experience, but it’s also an opportunity to stand out. Show some personality through a creative layout, an unexpected image, the use of colour, or a graphic header. As long as it’s all in good taste, feel free to have a little fun.

Make it a PDF. It’s surprising how many people don’t take this step, but unless the posting specifically states otherwise, submit your cover letter (and resume) in PDF format. PDF files are compatible with all systems and won’t alter in appearance when opened on one device or the next.

Call to action. A confident closing statement is crucial. Don’t use jargon or standard closing remarks.

Be direct, ask for what you want – to learn more about the positions, discuss your work samples, and secure an in-person interview.

For more job hunting tips visit