Canadian Travel Press
Issue Date: Dec 07, 2020

Forecast 2021: What’s next?

The industry will persevere, it always does


There have been a lot of words spent to describe the travel industry over the years. Definitely, there have been a lot more poured out during the past 9 months.

Yet the one word that resonates – whether it’s now or 40 years ago – is persevere.

Persevere: to persist in anything undertaken.

Persevere: to maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles or discouragement.

Persevere: to continue steadfastly.

Time and time and time again, the industry has certainly proven that it can and will continue to persevere.

As the year of the unimaginable finishes unravelling, it’s time to look forward to better things … infinitely better things.

Whatever Canada’s travel and tourism industry is confronted by in 2021, I know that the people who work in it, will do what they’ve always done and persevere.


In fact, that’s the power of the messages that the dozen or so travel executives who have contributed to Canadian Travel Press’ two-part, FORECAST 2021 reinforce over and over again in this week’s issue (Dec. 7) and in next week’s issue (Dec. 14).

This week, Wendy Paradis, Lucie Guillemette, Christine James, Charles Crowder and Flemming Friisdahl offer their take on 2021: What’s Next? And adds some further insights on the kinds of trends to watch for in a world of travel that has been forever changed by the global pandemic.

Vaccines. Testing. Removing restrictions. Working together. Keeping people safe and healthy. Celebrating travel. Changing relationships. Speaking with a united voice. These are just a few of the themes touched upon.

And throughout, holding fast to the unwavering belief that no matter what comes its way, this industry will persevere.

Someone recently observed that the “fog was beginning to lift” and that the industry is just beginning to see the shadows of what might be … of what the future that awaits might look like.

While the details remain a mystery, I believe that in 2021, the industry will – as it has always done – persevere and solve that mystery.

So, stay safe.
Stay well.
Stay strong.
And … persevere.

Next week: Brett Walker, Rebecca Cregan, Joel Ostrov, Louise Fecteau and Richard Vanderlubbe offer their insights on 2021: What’s Next?