JTB to host Rhythm of Jamaica trade event on Nov. 21

The Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) will host its winter season kick off promotional event on Thursday, Nov. 21, showcasing the island’s rich cultural heritage and its bevy of resorts and attractions Canadians have come to enjoy year after year!

The Rhythm of Jamaica trade event will commence at 3:30 p.m. with destination & supplier training, featuring some of Jamaica’s most popular resorts and new entrants such as the new Princess All-Inclusive Resorts located in the Negril resort area.

Later things shift to the trade show at 5:00pm, followed by a kaleidoscope of rhythm and colour, as the Kashe Dance Ensemble takes guests through the various iterations of Jamaican music and dance forms!

“The Rhythms of Jamaica Trade Event will showcase the wide variety of products at destination and remind our valued Canadian travel advisors, why Jamaica remains a destination of choice for their clients” said Angella Bennet, Regional Director, Canada, Jamaica Tourist Board.

The Rhythms of Jamaica Trade Event takes place on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto, 1133 Queen’s Plate Drive, Toronto M9W 0G4.

To register and learn more about the Rhythms of Jamaica Trade Event Toronto, Travel Advisors may log on to: visitjamaica.com/Canada/events

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