Tauck Plans To Bloom In 2022 With Floriade Cruises


With demand expected to be strong, Tauck is setting a course to the Floriade International Horticultural Expo with its river cruises in 2022.

In 2012 – Floriade is held once every 10 years — Tauck offered just a single itinerary visiting the expo, however, next year the event will be featured on a total of four different river cruises.

According to Tauck CEO Dan Mahar, the basis for the company’s bullish enthusiasm is two-fold.

“Our excitement is rooted in both our past experience with Floriade, and in the really incredible plans we’ve seen for the 2022 expo,” said Mahar.  “Our guests’ interest in attending Floriade is such that we essentially – and rather quickly – sold out our entire inventory in 2012,” Mahar explained.

He also noted that the 2012 edition of Floriade drew more than 2,000,000 total visitors, or some four times the attendance at the 2010 performances of the Oberammergau Passion Play, another popular, once-every-decade cultural event featured on Tauck river cruises.

Next year’s Floriade, explained Mahar, will be far more than a simple flower show.

The expo’s theme is “Growing Green Cities,” and it will showcase elements ranging from green architecture and environmentally-friendly food production to renewable energy and healthy living.

Tauck guests will enjoy a full day at Floriade, highlighted by early-access admission one hour before the expo opens to the general public, and a 90-minute, small-group guided tour of key attractions hosted by a Floriade expert.

Each guest will also receive a Tauck-issued, 25-euro Floriade credit card allowing them to enjoy lunch in their choice of dining venues, or purchase mementos of their visit if they prefer.

As well, Tauck has secured docking privileges in nearby Huizen, a short ten-minute drive from the Floriade grounds.

For guests’ convenience and flexibility, private round-trip shuttles will be provided between the riverboat and the expo campus.

The visit to Floriade, including expo admission, shuttle transportation, and the Floriade credit card, is included in Tauck’s cruise pricing, as are all other shore excursions, all gratuities, all onboard wine and spirits, airport transfers, luggage handling and more.

The four Tauck river cruises featuring a visit to the Floriade expo include two 15-day itineraries, “Amsterdam to Budapest by Riverboat” and “The Rhine and Moselle,” along with two eight-day trips, “Belgium & Holland in Spring” and the new-for-2021 itinerary “Cruising the Dutch Waterways.”

Go to www.tauck.ca for more.
